Returns a value indicating whether the XmlTextReader implements the XmlReader::ReadValueChunk method....Namespace System::Xml Library Aspose.Slides get_CanReadBinaryContent()...
Sets information that determines if the complex type has a mixed content model (markup within the content)....System::Xml::Schema Library Aspose.Slides get_IsMixed() get_ContentModel()...
Returns the collection of the elements contained with the compositor (choice): XmlSchemaElement, XmlSchemaGroupRef, XmlSchemaChoice, XmlSchemaSequence, or XmlSchemaAny....System::Xml::Schema Library Aspose.Slides XmlSchemaChoice()...
Returns the name of an attribute declared in this schema (or another schema indicated by the specified namespace)....System::Xml::Schema Library Aspose.Slides set_Name() set_RefName()...
Sets the Latin font info. Null means font is undefined and should be inherited from the Master. Write IFontData....Aspose::Slides Library Aspose.Slides get_LatinFont() get_EastAsianFont()...
Sets the bullet height of a paragraph with no inheritance. Value std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN() determines that bullet inherits height from the first portion in the paragraph. Write float....Aspose::Slides Library Aspose.Slides get_Height() get_Color()...
Sets the XmlSchemaInference::InferenceOption value that affects types inferred from the XML document....System::Xml::Schema Library Aspose.Slides get_TypeInference() XmlSchemaInference()...