Returns a list of all slides sections that are defined in the presentation. Read-only ISectionCollection....Aspose::Slides Library Aspose.Slides get_Slides() get_SlideSize()...
Returns the string which may be surfaced in a user interface as associated with the parent hyperlink. Read System::String....Aspose::Slides Library Aspose.Slides set_TargetFrame() set_Tooltip()...
Returns the line position indicating where the error occurred. Line position starts at 1....Namespace System::Xml Library Aspose.Slides get_LineNumber() get_SourceUri()...
Specifies bin width when AggregationType property value setted to AxisAggregationType::ByBinWidth. Applied to category axes. Used with Histogram or HistogramPareto series only....Aspose::Slides::Charts Library Aspose.Slides set_AggregationType() set_BinWidth()...
Sets the name of an audio file which is linked to an AudioFrame. Write System::String....Aspose::Slides Library Aspose.Slides get_LinkPathLong() get_EmbeddedAudio()...
Represents the marker style in a line chart, scatter chart, or radar chart. Write MarkerStyleType....Aspose::Slides::Charts Library Aspose.Slides get_Symbol() get_Format()...