Sets an array containing the values that specify the types of corresponding points in Points array....System::Drawing::Drawing2D Library Aspose.Slides get_Types() PathData()...
Sets a value that indicates if the 'Transfer-Encoding' header value contains 'Chunked'....System::Net::Http::Headers Library Aspose.Slides get_TransferEncodingChun()...
Sets a value that indicates if the 'Connection' header value contains 'Close'....System::Net::Http::Headers Library Aspose.Slides get_ConnectionClose() get_Date()...
Sets a value that indicates if the 'Connection' header value contains 'Close'....System::Net::Http::Headers Library Aspose.Slides get_ConnectionClose() get_Date()...
Sets a value that indicates if the 'Expect' header value contains 'Continue'....System::Net::Http::Headers Library Aspose.Slides get_ExpectContinue() get_From()...
Sets the XmlNameTable used to atomize strings. For more information on atomized strings, see XmlNameTable....Namespace System::Xml Library Aspose.Slides get_NameTable() get_NamespaceManager()...
Sets a blend that specifies factors and positions of base colors for this brush....System::Drawing::Drawing2D Library Aspose.Slides get_Blend() get_FocusScales()...