Determines whether the hanging punctuation is used in a paragraph. No inheritance applied. Write NullableBool....Aspose::Slides Library Aspose.Slides get_HangingPunctuation()...
Returns paragraph First Line Indent/Hanging Indent with no inheritance. Hanging Indent can be defined with negative values. Read float....Aspose::Slides Library Aspose.Slides set_MarginRight() set_Indent()...
Specifies whether the reflection should rotate with the shape if the shape is rotated. Write bool....Aspose::Slides::Effects Library Aspose.Slides get_RotateShadowWithShap()...
Returns the FillFormat object that contains fill formatting properties for a shape. Read-only IFillFormat....Aspose::Slides Library Aspose.Slides get_EffectFormat() get_Hidden()...
Returns the LineFormat object that contains line formatting properties for a shape. Read-only ILineFormat....Aspose::Slides Library Aspose.Slides set_Frame() get_ThreeDFormat()...
Represents aggregation type of category axis (binning). Applied to category. Used with Histogram or HistogramPareto series only....Aspose::Slides::Charts Library Aspose.Slides set_LabelOffset() set_AggregationType()...
Specifies actual major unit scale of the axis. Call method IChart::ValidateChartLayout previously to get actual value....Aspose::Slides::Charts Library Aspose.Slides get_ActualMinorUnit() g...