Returns the full name of the directory in which the file represented by the current object is loctaed....Namespace System::IO Library Aspose.Slides get_Directory() get_IsReadOnly()...
Specifies the size of the slide region (width when a child of RestoredTop, height when a child of RestoredLeft). Read float....Aspose::Slides Library Aspose.Slides set_DimensionSize()...
Returns a shared pointer pointing to the object that represents the standard output stream....Namespace System Library Aspose.Slides Beep() get_Error()...
Determines whether the East Asian line break is used in a paragraph. No inheritance applied. Read NullableBool....Aspose::Slides Library Aspose.Slides set_SpaceAfter() set_EastAsianLineBreak()...
Returns a value that indicates how the lines drawn by this Pen object are joined....System::Drawing Library Aspose.Slides set_EndCap() set_LineJoin()...
Returns a value that indicates the cap used at the both ends of a dashed line....System::Drawing Library Aspose.Slides set_DashOffset() set_DashCap()...