Sets the X coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle represented by the current object....System::Drawing Library Aspose.Slides get_X() get_Y()...
Sets the Y coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle represented by the current object....System::Drawing Library Aspose.Slides get_Y() get_Width()...
Sets the location of the upper left corner of the rectangle represented by the current object....System::Drawing Library Aspose.Slides get_Location() get_Size()...
Gets the visibility of comments that do not have an author. If true then comments will be displayed. (Applies only if comments are displayed)....Aspose::Slides::Export Library Aspose.Slides set_ShowCommentsByNoAuth()...
When overridden in a derived class, gets the depth of the current node in the XML document....Namespace System::Xml Library Aspose.Slides get_Value() get_BaseURI()...
Returns the compiled XmlSchemaAttribute that corresponds to this validated XML node....System::Xml::Schema Library Aspose.Slides get_SchemaElement()...