Returns a value indicating whether to omit an XML declaration....Namespace System::Xml Library Aspose.Slides set_Encoding() set_OmitXmlDeclaration()...
Gets the total elapsed time measured by the current instance, in milliseconds....System::Diagnostics Library Aspose.Slides get_Elapsed() get_ElapsedTicks()...
Determines whether the underline style has own FillFormat properties or inherits it from the FillFormat properties of the text. Write NullableBool....Aspose::Slides Library Aspose.Slides get_IsHardUnderlineFill()...
Folders containing font files. All font files located in these folders are included in the collection. Folders that are recursively searched....Aspose::Slides Library Aspose.Slides set_FontFolders()...
Sets a value that indicates if the ServicePoint-class instances use the Nagle algorithm....Namespace System::Net Library Aspose.Slides get_UseNagleAlgorithm()...