Determines whether the numbers should ignore text eastern language-specific vertical text layout. No inheritance applied. Write NullableBool....Aspose::Slides Library Aspose.Slides get_Kumimoji() get_NormaliseHeight()...
True to convert all metafiles used in a presentation to the PNG images. Write bool....Aspose::Slides::Export Library Aspose.Slides get_SaveMetafilesAsPng()...
Specifies compression type to be used for all textual content in the document. Read PdfTextCompression....Aspose::Slides::Export Library Aspose.Slides set_TextCompression()...
Returns a list of all master slides that are defined in the presentation. Read-only IMasterSlideCollection....Aspose::Slides Library Aspose.Slides get_LayoutSlides() get_...
Specifies whether the generated SWF document should include the integrated document viewer or not. Default is true....Aspose::Slides::Export Library Aspose.Slides get_ViewerIncluded() get_ShowPageBorder()...