Determines whether the first column of a table has to be drawn with a special formatting. Read bool....Aspose::Slides Library Aspose.Slides set_FirstRow() set_FirstCol()...
Returns measurement units used for page coordinates on the surface represented by the current object....System::Drawing Library Aspose.Slides set_TextRenderingHint()...
Returns a Color object that represents the color of the shadow of a 3-Dimensional element....System::Drawing Library Aspose.Slides get_ButtonHighlight() get_Control()...
Returns a Color object that represents the color of the highlight of a 3-Dimensional element....System::Drawing Library Aspose.Slides get_ControlLight() get_ControlText()...
Returns the Y coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle represented by the current object....System::Drawing Library Aspose.Slides set_X() set_Y()...