Corresponds to attribute x on the given mask element. Takes one of the constants defined in SVGUnitTypes....SVGMaskElement namespace Aspose.Svg assembly Aspose.SVG Width true English...
Corresponds to attribute patternContentUnits on the given pattern element. Takes one of the constants defined in SVGUnitTypes....SVGPatternElement namespace Aspose.Svg assembly Aspose.SVG Href PatternTransform...
Creates an SVGMatrix object outside of any document trees. The object is initialized to the identity matrix....SVGSVGElement namespace Aspose.Svg assembly Aspose.SVG CreateSVGLength...
The nearest ancestor svg element. Null if the given element is the outermost svg element....SVGElement namespace Aspose.Svg assembly Aspose.SVG Id Style English...
Corresponds to attribute orient on the given marker element. One of the Marker Orientation Types defined on this interface....SVGMarkerElement namespace Aspose.Svg assembly Aspose.SVG OrientAngle PreserveAspectRatio...
Corresponds to attribute markerUnits on the given marker element. One of the Marker Unit Types defined on this interface....SVGMarkerElement namespace Aspose.Svg assembly Aspose.SVG MarkerHeight MarkerWidth...