Used for attributes whose value must be a constant from a particular enumeration and which can be animated....namespace Aspose.Svg.DataTypes assembly Aspose.SVG SVGAnimatedBoolean...
A browsing context is an environment in which Document./document objects are presented to the user....IServiceProvider namespace Aspose.Svg.Dom assembly Aspose.SVG EventTarget IChildNode...
Contains details for a pdf encryption.... See Also namespace Aspose.Svg.Rendering.Pdf.Encryption...Encryption assembly Aspose.SVG PdfEncryptionAlgorit PdfPermissions English...
Create a new NodeIterator over the subtree rooted at the specified node....Document namespace Aspose.Svg.Dom assembly Aspose.SVG CreateNodeIterator(Node...Document namespace Aspose.Svg.Dom assembly Aspose.SVG CreateNodeIterator(Node...
Corresponds to attribute stdDeviation on the given feGaussianBlur element. Contains the Y component possibly computed automatically of attribute stdDeviation.... namespace Aspose.Svg.Filters assembly Aspose.SVG StdDeviationX...