Thumbnail Thumbnail constructor (1 of 2) Initializes a new instance of the Thumbnail class. public Thumbnail () See A......class Thumbnail namespace Aspose.PSD.Xmp.Types.Complex.Thumbnail...Thumbnail assembly Aspose.PSD Thumbnail constructor (2 of 2) Initializes...
XmpBasicPackage XmpBasicPackage constructor (1 of 2) Initializes a new instance of the XmpBasicPackage class. public ......XmpBasicPackage namespace Aspose.PSD.Xmp.Schemas.XmpBaseSchema...XmpBaseSchema assembly Aspose.PSD XmpBasicPackage constructor (2 of 2) Initializes...
Add NonGenericDictionary.Add method Adds an element with the provided key and value to the IDictionary object. public......NonGenericDictionary namespace Aspose.PSD assembly Aspose.PSD Values Clear English...
Ceiling Size.Ceiling method Converts the specified SizeF structure to a Size structure by rounding the values of the ......Size namespace Aspose.PSD assembly Aspose.PSD Add Round English...
Truncate Size.Truncate method Converts the specified SizeF structure to a Size structure by truncating the values of ......Size namespace Aspose.PSD assembly Aspose.PSD Subtract Height...
Round Size.Round method Converts the specified SizeF structure to a Size structure by rounding the values of the Size......Size namespace Aspose.PSD assembly Aspose.PSD Ceiling Subtract...
FillRegion Graphics.FillRegion method Fills the interior of a Region . public void FillRegion ( Brush brush , Region ......Graphics namespace Aspose.PSD assembly Aspose.PSD FillRectangles...
TransparencySupporter TransparencySupporter class The object supporting transparency. public class TransparencySuppor......Also namespace Aspose.PSD assembly Aspose.PSD TextRenderingHint...