获取或设置此RectangleFAspose.imaging/rectanglef结构的左上角坐标...PointF 表示这个::的左上角:R5:T:Aspose.Imaging.RectangleF:::结构。 也可以看看...RectangleF 命名空间 Aspose.Imaging 部件 Aspose.Imaging Left Right 简体中文...
Equals PointF.Equals method Specifies whether this PointF contains the same coordinates as the specified Object. publ......PointF namespace Aspose.Imaging assembly Aspose.Imaging true GetHashCode...
Equals Blend.Equals method Tests whether the specified object is a Blend class and is equivalent to this Blend class.......Blend namespace Aspose.Imaging assembly Aspose.Imaging Positions GetHashCode...
Cmyk PixelDataFormat.Cmyk property Gets the PixelDataFormat defined for 32 bits per pixel with 8 bits for each of the......PixelDataFormat namespace Aspose.Imaging assembly Aspose.Imaging Cmyka English...
CanCreate IImageCreatorDescriptor.CanCreate method Determines whether image creator can create a new image using the ...... namespace Aspose.Imaging assembly Aspose.Imaging CreateInstance...
Grayscale PixelDataFormat.Grayscale property Gets the PixelDataFormat defined for 8 bits per pixel with 8 bits repres......PixelDataFormat namespace Aspose.Imaging assembly Aspose.Imaging Cmyka GrayscaleAlpha...