ColorMap ColorMap class Defines a map for converting colors. Several methods of the ImageAttributes class adjust imag......Also namespace Aspose.Imaging assembly Aspose.Imaging ColorCompareMethod...
DashStyle DashStyle enumeration Specifies the style of dashed lines drawn with a Pen object. public enum DashStyle Va......Also namespace Aspose.Imaging assembly Aspose.Imaging DashCap DataRecoveryMode...
ColorTranslator ColorTranslator class Translates colors to and from GDI+ Color structures. This class cannot be inher......Also namespace Aspose.Imaging assembly Aspose.Imaging ColorQuantizationMet...
Right Rectangle.Right property Gets or sets the x-coordinate that is the sum of X and Width property values of this R......Rectangle namespace Aspose.Imaging assembly Aspose.Imaging Location Size...
IsNamedColor Color.IsNamedColor property Gets a value indicating whether this Color structure is a named color or a m......Color namespace Aspose.Imaging assembly Aspose.Imaging IsKnownColor...
Item ColorMatrix indexer Gets or sets the element at the specified row and column in the ColorMatrix . public float t......ColorMatrix namespace Aspose.Imaging assembly Aspose.Imaging ColorMatrix...
Equals CmykColor.Equals method Determines whether the specified Object, is equal to this instance. public override bo......CmykColor namespace Aspose.Imaging assembly Aspose.Imaging true GetHashCode...
Equals Metered.Equals method Determines whether the specified Object, is equal to this instance. public override bool......Metered namespace Aspose.Imaging assembly Aspose.Imaging Metered SetMeteredKey...