SyncRoot NonGenericDictionary.SyncRoot property Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the ICollect...... namespace Aspose.Imaging assembly Aspose.Imaging Keys Values...
Entries IColorPalette.Entries property Gets an array of Color structures. public Color [] Entries { get ; } Return Va......IColorPalette namespace Aspose.Imaging assembly Aspose.Imaging Argb32Entries...
Aspose.imaging for Java 19.11 - Release notes – the latest updates and fixes....Home Aspose.Imaging Product Family Aspose.Imaging for Java Release...Release Notes 2019 Aspose.Imaging for Java 19.11 - Release notes...
TypeUniformScale Matrix.TypeUniformScale field A uniform scale multiplies the length of vectors by the same amount in......Matrix namespace Aspose.Imaging assembly Aspose.Imaging TypeTranslation...
FromKnownColor Color.FromKnownColor method Creates a Color structure from the specified predefined color. public stat......Color namespace Aspose.Imaging assembly Aspose.Imaging FromArgb FromName...