If true multiple OPTION elements may be selected in this SELECT. See the multiple attribute definition in HTML 4.01....HTMLSelectElement namespace Aspose.Html assembly Aspose.HTML Length Name English...
Reduce spacing between list items. See the compact attribute definition in HTML 4.01. This attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01....HTMLDListElement namespace Aspose.Html assembly Aspose.HTML English Русский...
Suppress word wrapping. See the nowrap attribute definition in HTML 4.01. This attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01....HTMLTableCellElement namespace Aspose.Html assembly Aspose.HTML Height RowSpan...
Declare for future reference but do not instantiate this object. See the declare attribute definition in HTML 4.01....HTMLObjectElement namespace Aspose.Html assembly Aspose.HTML Data Form English...
Cell background color. See the bgcolor attribute definition in HTML 4.01. This attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01....HTMLTableElement namespace Aspose.Html assembly Aspose.HTML Align Border English...
List item bullet style. See the type attribute definition in HTML 4.01. This attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01....HTMLLIElement namespace Aspose.Html assembly Aspose.HTML Value English...
Applet class file. See the code attribute definition in HTML 4.01. This attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01....HTMLAppletElement namespace Aspose.Html assembly Aspose.HTML Archive CodeBase...
Background color for rows. See the bgcolor attribute definition in HTML 4.01. This attribute is deprecated in HTML 4.01....HTMLTableRowElement namespace Aspose.Html assembly Aspose.HTML Align Cells English...
The absolute URI IETF RFC 2396http//www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt of the linked resource. See the href attribute definition in HTML 4.01....HTMLAnchorElement namespace Aspose.Html assembly Aspose.HTML Hostname Hreflang...
Alignment character for cells in a column. See the char attribute definition in HTML 4.01....HTMLTableCellElement namespace Aspose.Html assembly Aspose.HTML CellIndex ChOff...