The collection of OPTION elements contained by this element. version DOM Level 2...HTMLSelectElement namespace Aspose.Html assembly Aspose.HTML Name SelectedIndex...
The control is unavailable in this context. See the disabled attribute definition in HTML 4.01....HTMLOptGroupElement namespace Aspose.Html assembly Aspose.HTML Label English...
Language code of the linked resource. See the hreflang attribute definition in HTML 4.01....HTMLLinkElement namespace Aspose.Html assembly Aspose.HTML Href Media English...
Number of columns spanned by cell. See the colspan attribute definition in HTML 4.01....HTMLTableCellElement namespace Aspose.Html assembly Aspose.HTML ChOff Headers...
Frame to render the resource in. See the target attribute definition in HTML 4.01....HTMLAnchorElement namespace Aspose.Html assembly Aspose.HTML TabIndex Type...
Frame to render the resource in. See the target attribute definition in HTML 4.01....HTMLLinkElement namespace Aspose.Html assembly Aspose.HTML Sheet Type English...
Assigns a label to this option group. See the label attribute definition in HTML 4.01....HTMLOptGroupElement namespace Aspose.Html assembly Aspose.HTML Disabled English...
URI IETF RFC 2396http// designating a metadata profile. See the profile attribute definition in HTML 4.01....HTMLHeadElement namespace Aspose.Html assembly Aspose.HTML English Русский...
Returns the FORM element containing this control. Returns null if this control is not within the context of a form....HTMLTextAreaElement namespace Aspose.Html assembly Aspose.HTML Disabled Name...
The index of this cell in the row starting from 0. This index is in document tree order and not display order....HTMLTableCellElement namespace Aspose.Html assembly Aspose.HTML BgColor Ch English...