InteriorRingsCount ICurvePolygon.InteriorRingsCount property Gets the number of interior rings. public int InteriorRi......namespace Aspose.Gis.Geometries assembly Aspose.GIS ExteriorRing...
VerticalDisplacement MarkerPatternFill.VerticalDisplacement property Specifies the vertical offset for markers in eve......namespace Aspose.Gis.Rendering.Symbolizers assembly Aspose.GIS Marker...
LineJoin SimpleLine.LineJoin property Determines how lines are rendered at intersection of line segments. public Line......namespace Aspose.Gis.Rendering.Symbolizers assembly Aspose.GIS FeatureBasedConfigur...
OffsetAlongLine MarkerLine.OffsetAlongLine property Specifies the offset along the line for the first marker. public ......namespace Aspose.Gis.Rendering.Symbolizers assembly Aspose.GIS Offset...
AsRawBits IRasterValues.AsRawBits method Get raw bits of all bands values. public BitArray AsRawBits () Return Value ......IRasterValues namespace Aspose.Gis.Raster assembly Aspose.GIS AsLong AsShort...
ColorMode KmlAbstractColorStyle.ColorMode property Specifies the color mode of the graphic element. Default Value: no......namespace Aspose.Gis.Formats.Kml.Styles assembly Aspose.GIS Color...
Bounds RasterLayer.Bounds property Gets the raster bounds. public RasterRect Bounds { get ; } Return Value The raster......RasterLayer namespace Aspose.Gis.Raster assembly Aspose.GIS BandCount CellSize...
Count RuleBasedLabeling.Count property Gets the number of rules. public int Count { get ; } Return Value The number o......namespace Aspose.Gis.Rendering.Labelings assembly Aspose.GIS RuleBasedLabeling...