IFeatureStyle IFeatureStyle interface The interface root class of the feature styles hierarchy. public interface IFea......Also namespace Aspose.Gis assembly Aspose.GIS IAttributesConverter...
Dispose Dataset.Dispose method Releases the resources used by the Dataset . public void Dispose () See Also class Dat......Dataset namespace Aspose.Gis assembly Aspose.GIS CreateLayer EditLayer...
Center Extent.Center property Center of the extent. public IPoint Center { get ; } See Also interface IPoint class Ex......Extent namespace Aspose.Gis assembly Aspose.GIS Extent Height English...
CanBeUnset FeatureAttribute.CanBeUnset property Gets or sets a value indicating whether value for this attribute can ......FeatureAttribute namespace Aspose.Gis assembly Aspose.GIS CanBeNull DataType...
AttributesConverterActions AttributesConverterActions class Optional actions with attributes of the destination layer......Also namespace Aspose.Gis assembly Aspose.GIS AttributeDataType...
XMax Extent.XMax property Maximum value of the X coordinate. public double XMax { get ; set ; } See Also class Extent......Extent namespace Aspose.Gis assembly Aspose.GIS Width XMin English...
Csv Drivers.Csv property A driver for the CSV format. public static CsvDriver Csv { get ; } See Also class CsvDriver ......Drivers namespace Aspose.Gis assembly Aspose.GIS EsriAscii English...
Gpx Drivers.Gpx property A driver for the GPX format. public static GpxDriver Gpx { get ; } See Also class GpxDriver ......Drivers namespace Aspose.Gis assembly Aspose.GIS Gml Kml English...