Crosses IGeometry.Crosses method Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. public bool Crosses ( IG......namespace Aspose.Gis.Geometries assembly Aspose.GIS Covers Difference...
IsCompound SpatialReferenceSystem.IsCompound property Returns whether this SRS is compound (a union of two SRS). Foll......namespace Aspose.Gis.SpatialReferencing assembly Aspose.GIS HasPrimeMeridian...
KmlItemIcon KmlItemIcon class Specifies an icon resource location in a list. public class KmlItemIcon Constructors Na......namespace Aspose.Gis.Formats.Kml.Styles assembly Aspose.GIS KmlIconStyle...
ProducePoints GeoGenerator.ProducePoints method Creates an array of points belonging to the specified area. public st......namespace Aspose.Gis.GeoTools assembly Aspose.GIS ProduceLines...