IsEquivalent VerticalSpatialReferenceSystem.IsEquivalent method Detects whether this SRS is equivalent to other SRS. ......namespace Aspose.Gis.SpatialReferencing assembly Aspose.GIS GetUnit...
Validate VerticalSpatialReferenceSystem.Validate method Determine if this SRS is valid. See Validate for validity des......namespace Aspose.Gis.SpatialReferencing assembly Aspose.GIS IsEquivalent...
FontStyle FontStyle enumeration Specifies style to be applied to text. [Flags] public enum FontStyle Values Name Valu......namespace Aspose.Gis.Rendering.Labelings assembly Aspose.GIS LabelPlacement...
ColumnY CsvOptions.ColumnY property Gets or sets a name of column contains Y coordinate value. Default is null . publ......namespace Aspose.Gis.Formats.Csv assembly Aspose.GIS ColumnX ColumnZ...
ColumnM CsvOptions.ColumnM property Gets or sets a name of column contains M coordinate value. Default is null . publ......namespace Aspose.Gis.Formats.Csv assembly Aspose.GIS CsvOptions...
SpatialReferenceSystem Geometry.SpatialReferenceSystem property Gets SpatialReferenceSystem of this instance. This pr......namespace Aspose.Gis.Geometries assembly Aspose.GIS IsValid AsBinary...
AddElseRule RuleBasedLabeling.AddElseRule method Adds a labeling that will be applied to features that don’t match an......namespace Aspose.Gis.Rendering.Labelings assembly Aspose.GIS Add GetEnumerator...