GetPointOnSurface GeometryCollection.GetPointOnSurface method Finds a point that is guaranteed to be on one of the su......namespace Aspose.Gis.Geometries assembly Aspose.GIS GetHashCode...
GeometryType Geometry.GeometryType property Gets the type of the geometry. public abstract GeometryType GeometryType ......namespace Aspose.Gis.Geometries assembly Aspose.GIS Dimension...
GeometryType CircularString.GeometryType property Gets the type of the geometry. public override GeometryType Geometr......namespace Aspose.Gis.Geometries assembly Aspose.GIS EndPoint HasCurveGeometry...
GeometryType CompoundCurve.GeometryType property Gets the type of the geometry. public override GeometryType Geometry......namespace Aspose.Gis.Geometries assembly Aspose.GIS EndPoint HasCurveGeometry...
GeometryType MultiLineString.GeometryType property Gets the type of the geometry. public override GeometryType Geomet......namespace Aspose.Gis.Geometries assembly Aspose.GIS MultiLineString...
ToString LineGeneratorOptions.ToString method Returns a string that represents the current object. public override st......namespace Aspose.Gis.GeoTools assembly Aspose.GIS Clone English...