Text KmlBalloonStyle.Text property Specifies the text displayed in the balloon. Default value is null . public string......namespace Aspose.Gis.Formats.Kml.Styles assembly Aspose.GIS DisplayMode...
SkewY RasterCellSize.SkewY property Gets or sets y-component of the pixel width (y-skew). public double SkewY { get ;......RasterCellSize namespace Aspose.Gis.Raster assembly Aspose.GIS SkewX Width...
Count IGeometryCollection.Count property Gets the number of geometries in this collection. public int Count { get ; }......namespace Aspose.Gis.Geometries assembly Aspose.GIS Item English...
InteriorRingsCount CurvePolygon.InteriorRingsCount property Gets the number of interior rings. public int InteriorRin......namespace Aspose.Gis.Geometries assembly Aspose.GIS HasZ IsEmpty...
InteriorRingsCount Polygon.InteriorRingsCount property Gets the number of interior rings. public int InteriorRingsCou......namespace Aspose.Gis.Geometries assembly Aspose.GIS HasZ IsEmpty...
LinearUnit GeocentricSpatialReferenceSystemParameters.LinearUnit property Units to be used in this SRS. Defaults to M......namespace Aspose.Gis.SpatialReferencing assembly Aspose.GIS Datum...
LinearUnit ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystemParameters.LinearUnit property Units to be used in this SRS. Default is Met......namespace Aspose.Gis.SpatialReferencing assembly Aspose.GIS Base Name...