CanOpenLayers GeoTiffDriver.CanOpenLayers property Gets a value indicating whether this driver can open raster layers......namespace Aspose.Gis.Formats.GeoTiff assembly Aspose.GIS OpenLayer...
CanCreateLayers KmlDriver.CanCreateLayers property Gets a value indicating whether this driver can create vector laye......namespace Aspose.Gis.Formats.Kml assembly Aspose.GIS CanCreateDatasets...
CanCreateLayers TopoJsonDriver.CanCreateLayers property Gets a value indicating whether this driver can create vector......namespace Aspose.Gis.Formats.TopoJson assembly Aspose.GIS CanCreateDatasets...
CanOpenLayers GeoJsonDriver.CanOpenLayers property Gets a value indicating whether this driver can open vector layers......namespace Aspose.Gis.Formats.GeoJson assembly Aspose.GIS CanCreateLayers...
EsriAsciiOptions EsriAsciiOptions constructor Create new instance. public EsriAsciiOptions () See Also class EsriAsci......namespace Aspose.Gis.Formats.EsriAscii assembly Aspose.GIS English...
GeoTiffOptions GeoTiffOptions constructor Create new instance. public GeoTiffOptions () See Also class GeoTiffOptions......namespace Aspose.Gis.Formats.GeoTiff assembly Aspose.GIS English...
CellHeight WarpOptions.CellHeight property Specifies a new height of the raster cell (in target georeferenced units).......WarpOptions namespace Aspose.Gis.Raster assembly Aspose.GIS WarpOptions...
FeaturesBasedConfiguration MarkerCluster.FeaturesBasedConfiguration property A callback that is used to configure thi......namespace Aspose.Gis.Rendering.Symbolizers assembly Aspose.GIS MarkerCluster...
RasterRect RasterRect constructor Create an instance of RasterRect . public RasterRect ( int x , int y , int width , ......RasterRect namespace Aspose.Gis.Raster assembly Aspose.GIS Height English...