License License class Provides methods to license the component. public class License Constructors Name Description L......Also namespace Aspose.Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Metered English...
RotateTransform LinearGradientBrush.RotateTransform method (1 of 2) Rotates the local geometric transform by the spec......Drawing2D assembly Aspose.Drawing LinearGradientBrush.RotateTransform...Drawing.Drawing2D assembly Aspose.Drawing ResetTransform ScaleTransform...
ExcludeClip Graphics.ExcludeClip method (1 of 2) Updates the clip region of this Graphics to exclude the area specifi......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Graphics.ExcludeClip method...System.Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing EnumerateMetafile FillClosedCurve...
Translate Region.Translate method (1 of 2) Offsets the coordinates of this Region by the specified amount. public voi......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Region.Translate method...System.Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Transform Union...
RotateTransform Pen.RotateTransform method (1 of 2) Rotates the local geometric transformation by the specified angle......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Pen.RotateTransform method...System.Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing ResetTransform ScaleTransform...
License License constructor Initializes a new instance of this class. public License () Examples In this example, an ......License namespace Aspose.Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing SetLicense...