SetPropertyItem Image.SetPropertyItem method Stores a property item (piece of metadata) in this Image. public abstrac......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing SelectActiveFrame FromHbitmap...
SetPropertyItem Metafile.SetPropertyItem method Stores a property item (piece of metadata) in this Image. public over......Imaging assembly Aspose.Drawing RotateFlip GetMetafileHeader...
WinLogo SystemIcons.WinLogo property Gets an Icon object that contains the Windows logo icon (WIN32: IDI_WINLOGO). pu......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Warning...
DashStyle Pen.DashStyle property Gets or sets the style used for dashed lines drawn with this Pen. public DashStyle D......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing DashPattern EndCap...
Location RectangleF.Location property Gets or sets the coordinates of the upper-left corner of this RectangleF struct......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Left Right...
IsVisibleClipEmpty Graphics.IsVisibleClipEmpty property Gets a value indicating whether the visible clipping region o......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing IsClipEmpty PageScale...
Clear Graphics.Clear method Clears the entire drawing surface and fills it with the specified background color. publi......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing BeginContainer CopyFromScreen...