RotateFlip Metafile.RotateFlip method This method rotates, flips, or rotates and flips the Image. public override voi......Imaging assembly Aspose.Drawing RemovePropertyItem SetPropertyItem...
FillRegion Graphics.FillRegion method Fills the interior of a Region. public void FillRegion ( Brush brush , Region r......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing FillRectangles Flush...
FromOle ColorTranslator.FromOle method Translates an OLE color value to a GDI+ Color structure. public static Color F......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing FromHtml FromWin32...
GetSaturation Color.GetSaturation method Gets the hue-saturation-brightness (HSB) saturation value for this Color str......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing GetHue ToArgb...
GetHashCode Size.GetHashCode method Returns a hash code for this Size structure. public override int GetHashCode () R......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Equals ToString...
PixelFormat Image.PixelFormat property Gets the pixel format for this Image. public abstract PixelFormat PixelFormat ......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing PhysicalDimension PropertyIdList...
RawFormat Bitmap.RawFormat property Gets the file format of this Image. public override ImageFormat RawFormat { get ;......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing PropertyItems Width...
ToString SizeF.ToString method Converts the attributes of this SizeF to a human readable string. public override stri......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing ToSize op_Addition...
ToString Size.ToString method Converts the attributes of this Size to a human readable string. public override string......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing GetHashCode op_Addition...
ToString PointF.ToString method Converts the attributes of this PointF to a human readable string. public override st......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing GetHashCode op_Addition...