Name FontFamily.Name property Gets the name of this FontFamily. public string Name { get ; } Return Value A String th......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing GenericSerif Dispose...
ControlLight SystemColors.ControlLight property Gets a Color structure that is the light color of a 3-D element. publ......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing ControlDarkDark ControlLightLight...
ToBitmap Icon.ToBitmap method Converts this Icon to a GDI+ Bitmap. public Bitmap ToBitmap () Return Value A Bitmap th......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Save ToString...
ToString ImageFormat.ToString method Converts this ImageFormat object to a human-readable string. public override str......Imaging assembly Aspose.Drawing GetHashCode...
Matrix10 ColorMatrix.Matrix10 property Gets or sets the element at the first row and 0 (zero) column of this ColorMat......Imaging assembly Aspose.Drawing Matrix04 Matrix11...
Matrix04 ColorMatrix.Matrix04 property Gets or sets the element at the 0 (zero) row and fourth column of this ColorMa......Imaging assembly Aspose.Drawing Matrix03 Matrix10...
Matrix00 ColorMatrix.Matrix00 property Gets or sets the element at the 0 (zero) row and 0 column of this ColorMatrix.......Imaging assembly Aspose.Drawing Item Matrix01...
Matrix01 ColorMatrix.Matrix01 property Gets or sets the element at the 0 (zero) row and first column of this ColorMat......Imaging assembly Aspose.Drawing Matrix00 Matrix02...