IsKnownColor Color.IsKnownColor property Gets a value indicating whether this Color structure is a predefined color. ......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing IsEmpty IsNamedColor...
MenuFont SystemFonts.MenuFont property Gets a Font that is used for menus. public static Font MenuFont { get ; } See ......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing IconTitleFont MessageBoxFont...
VerticalResolution Image.VerticalResolution property Gets the vertical resolution, in pixels per inch, of this Image.......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Tag Width...
Type MetaHeader.Type property Gets or sets the type of the associated Metafile object. public short Type { get ; set ......Imaging assembly Aspose.Drawing Size Version...
Guid FrameDimension.Guid property Gets a globally unique identifier (GUID) that represents this FrameDimension object......Imaging assembly Aspose.Drawing Time Equals...
true PrinterResolution.Y property public int Y { get ; set ; } 也可以看看 class PrinterResolution 命名空间 Aspose.drawing.Prin......PrinterResolution 命名空间 Aspose.Drawing.Printing 部件 Aspose.Drawing X 简体中文 Русский...