op_Inequality Point Inequality operator public static bool operator !=( Point point1 , Point point2 ) See Also struct......Point namespace Aspose.CAD assembly Aspose.CAD op_Implicit op_Subtraction...
FromKnownColor Color.FromKnownColor method public static Color FromKnownColor ( KnownColor color ) See Also enum Know......Color namespace Aspose.CAD assembly Aspose.CAD FromArgb FromName...
Truncate Rectangle.Truncate method public static Rectangle Truncate ( RectangleF value ) See Also struct RectangleF s......Rectangle namespace Aspose.CAD assembly Aspose.CAD Round Union English...
ColorPalette RawDataSettings.ColorPalette property Gets or sets the color palette public IColorPalette ColorPalette {......RawDataSettings namespace Aspose.CAD assembly Aspose.CAD RawDataSettings...
M31 Matrix.M31 property Gets the matrix element at third row first column. Represents translation along X axis. publi......Matrix namespace Aspose.CAD assembly Aspose.CAD M22 M32 English...
M11 Matrix.M11 property Gets the matrix element at first row first column. Represents scale along X axis. public floa......Matrix namespace Aspose.CAD assembly Aspose.CAD Elements M12 English...