Height Camera.Height property Gets or sets the view plane’s height measured in inches public double Height { get ; se......Entities assembly Aspose.3D FieldOfViewY Magnification...
HotSpot Light.HotSpot property Gets or sets the hot spot cone angle(in degrees). public double HotSpot { get ; set ; ......Entities assembly Aspose.3D Falloff Intensity English...
Multiplicity NurbsDirection.Multiplicity property Gets the multiplicity. public IArrayList < int > Multiplicity { get......Entities assembly Aspose.3D KnotVectors Order English...
Learn how to transform Nodes using a transformation matrix...Products Aspose.3D Tutorial Transform Nodes Transformation Matrix...can write code here to use Aspose.3D and run the code in browser...
AddChannel AddChannel(string, T) public bool AddChannel < T >( string name , T value ) 也可以看看 class BindPoint 命名空间 ......Animation 部件 Aspose.3D AddChannel(string, object)...Aspose.ThreeD.Animation 部件 Aspose.3D AddChannel(string, Type, object)...
Learn how to Perform linear extrusion using twist offset...Products Aspose.3D Tutorial Perform Linear Extrusion Twist Offset...can write code here to use Aspose.3D and run the code in browser...
EnableMipMap Texture.EnableMipMap property Gets or sets if the mipmap is enabled for this texture public bool EnableM......Shading assembly Aspose.3D Content FileName English Русский...