CreateVertexBuffer RenderFactory.CreateVertexBuffer method Create an IVertexBuffer instance to store polygon’s vertex......Render assembly Aspose.3D CreateUniformBuffer English...
UnitName AssetInfo.UnitName property Gets or sets the unit of length used in this asset. e.g. cm/m/km/inch/feet publi......ThreeD assembly Aspose.3D Title UnitScaleFactor English...
Learn how to use center and slices property to perform linear extrusion in a Box...Products Aspose.3D Tutorial Perform Linear Extrusion Box ⯬ Previous...can write code here to use Aspose.3D and run the code in browser...
FileFormat Contents [ Hide ] FileFormat class File format definition public class FileFormat Properties Name Descript......CanExport { get; } Gets whether Aspose.3D supports export scene to current...CanImport { get; } Gets whether Aspose.3D supports import scene from...
PolygonBuilder PolygonBuilder constructor Initializes a new instance of the PolygonBuilder class. public PolygonBuild......Entities assembly Aspose.3D AddVertex English Русский...
PoseType PoseType enumeration Pose type. public enum PoseType Values Name Value Description BindPose 0 The bind pose.......ThreeD assembly Aspose.3D Pose Property English Русский...