Aspose::Cells::SaveOptions::GetCachedFileFolder method. The cached file folder is used to store some large data in C++....Aspose::Cells::SaveOptions::GetCachedFileFolder method SaveO...some large data. U16String Aspose :: Cells :: SaveOptions ::...
Aspose::Cells::CalculationData::GetCellRow method. Gets the row index of the cell where the function is in in C++....Aspose::Cells::CalculationData::GetCellRow method CalculationData::GetCellRow...the function is in. int32_t Aspose :: Cells :: CalculationData...
Aspose::Cells::Validation::SetOperator method. Represents the operator for the data validation in C++....Aspose::Cells::Validation::SetOperator method Validation::SetOperator...for the data validation. void Aspose :: Cells :: Validation :: SetOperator...
Aspose::Cells::ConditionalFormattingIcon::SetType method. Gets and sets the icon set type in C++....Aspose::Cells::ConditionalFormattin::SetType method Conditio...sets the icon set type. void Aspose :: Cells :: ConditionalFormattin...
Aspose::Cells::Validation::GetIgnoreBlank method. Indicates whether blank values are permitted by the range data validation in C++....Aspose::Cells::Validation::GetIgnoreBlank method Validation::GetIgnoreBlank...range data validation. bool Aspose :: Cells :: Validation :: GetIgnoreBlank...
Aspose::Cells::VerticalPageBreak::GetStartRow method. Gets the start row index of the vertical page break in C++....Aspose::Cells::VerticalPageBreak::GetStartRow method Vertica...vertical page break. int32_t Aspose :: Cells :: VerticalPageBreak...
Aspose::Cells::PageSetup::GetPrintHeadings method. Represents if row and column headings are printed with this page in C++....Aspose::Cells::PageSetup::GetPrintHeadings method PageSetup::GetPrintHeadings...printed with this page. bool Aspose :: Cells :: PageSetup :: GetPrintHeadings...
Aspose::Cells::PaneCollection::GetFirstVisibleColumnOfRightPane method. Gets and sets the first visible column of the right pane in C++....Aspose::Cells::PaneCollection::GetFirstVisibleColum method P...of the right pane. int32_t Aspose :: Cells :: PaneCollection...
Aspose::Cells::WorkbookSettings::SetWindowHeightCM method. The height of the window, in unit of centimeter in C++....Aspose::Cells::WorkbookSettings::SetWindowHeightCM method unit of centimeter. void Aspose :: Cells :: WorkbookSettings...