XmlMapping.is_mapped property. Returns ``True`` if the parent structured document tag is successfully mapped to XML data.... save ( ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'StructuredDocumentTa...
IChartDataPoint.invert_if_negative property. Specifies whether the parent element shall inverts its colors if the value is negative.... save ( ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'Charts.chart_data_point...
TaskPane.is_locked property. Specifies whether the task pane is locked to the document in the UI and cannot be closed by the user.... save ( ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'Document.create_web_extension...
DocumentPropertyCollection.contains method. Returns ``True`` if a property with the specified name exists in the collection.... save ( ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'DocumentProperties...
OleFormat.is_link property. Returns ``True`` if the OLE object is linked (when [OleFormat.source_full_name](../source_full_name/) is specified).... save ( ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'Shape.ole_links.docx'...