aspose.words.drawing.RelativeHorizontalSize enumeration. Specifies relatively to what the width of a shape or a text frame is calculated horizontally.... save ( ARTIFACTS_DIR + "Shape.RelativeSizeAndPosit...
ChartSeries.smooth property. Allows to specify whether the line connecting the points on the chart shall be smoothed using Catmull-Rom splines.... save ( ARTIFACTS_DIR + "Charts.chart_data_point...
Aspose::Words::Saving::FixedPageSaveOptions::get_JpegQuality method. Gets or sets a value determining the quality of the JPEG images inside Html document in C++....more prominent compression artifacts. imageOptions -> set_JpegQuality...
aspose.words.CommentCollection class. Provides typed access to a collection of [Comment](../comment/) nodes... save ( ARTIFACTS_DIR + "Comment.done.docx"...
ChartDataPointCollection.clear_format method. Clears format of all [ChartDataPoint](../../chartdatapoint/) in this collection.... save ( ARTIFACTS_DIR + "Charts.chart_data_point...
Footnote.is_auto property. Holds a value that specifies whether this is a auto-numbered footnote or footnote with user defined custom reference mark.... save ( ARTIFACTS_DIR + "InlineStory.add_footnote...