PdfDigitalSignatureDetails.location property. Gets or sets the location of the signing.... save ( ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'PdfSaveOptions.pdf_digital_signature...
PageSetup.vertical_alignment property. Returns or sets the vertical alignment of text on each page in a document or section.... save ( file_name = ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'PageSetup.ClearFormatting...
DocumentBuilder.move_to_section method. Moves the cursor to the beginning of the body in a specified section.... save ( file_name = ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'DocumentBuilder.HeadersAndFooters...
PdfDigitalSignatureDetails.reason property. Gets or sets the reason for the signing.... save ( ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'PdfSaveOptions.pdf_digital_signature...
PageSetup.border_surrounds_header property. Specifies whether the page border includes or excludes the header.... save ( file_name = ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'PageSetup.PageBorder...
PageSetup.endnote_options property. Provides options that control numbering and positioning of endnotes in this section.... save ( file_name = ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'PageSetup.FootnoteOptions...
DocumentBuilder.is_at_end_of_structured_document_tag property. Returns true if the cursor is at the end of a structured document tag.... save ( file_name = ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'Document.MoveToStructuredDocu...