FileFormatUtil.load_format_to_save_format method. Converts a [LoadFormat](../../loadformat/) value to a [SaveFormat](../../saveformat/) value if possible.... save ( ARTIFACTS_DIR + "File.save_to_detected_file_format"...
MailMergeSettings.active_record property. Specifies the one-based index of the record from the data source which shall be displayed in Microsoft Word... save ( ARTIFACTS_DIR + "MailMerge.odso_email...
ChartXValue.from_double method. Creates a [ChartXValue](../) instance of the [ChartXValueType.DOUBLE](../../chartxvaluetype/#DOUBLE) type.... save ( ARTIFACTS_DIR + "Charts.PopulateChartWithDat...
ImageSaveOptions JpegQuality property. Gets or sets a value determining the quality of the generated JPEG images in C#....more prominent compression artifacts. imageOptions . JpegQuality...
Code source Java pour travailler avec les signets dans les fichiers PDF à l'aide de Aspose.PDF for Java #/artifacts/browse/tree/general/repo/...
Aspose.Words.ContentDisposition перечисление. Перечисляет различные способы представления документа в браузере клиента.... Save ( response , "Artifacts/MailMerge.ExecuteArray.docx"...