IChartDataPoint.explosion property. Specifies the amount the data point shall be moved from the center of the pie... save ( file_name = ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'Charts.PieChartExplosion...
RevisionOptions.inserted_text_color property. Allows to specify the color to be used for inserted content [RevisionType.INSERTION](../../../aspose.words/revisiontype/#INSERTION)... save ( file_name = ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'Document.LayoutOptionsRevisio...
ViewOptions.display_background_shape property. Controls display of the background shape in print layout view.... save ( ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'ViewOptions.display_background_shape...
Fill.back_tint_and_shade property. Gets or sets a double value that lightens or darkens the background color.... save ( file_name = ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'Shape.FillThemeColor...