aspose.words.settings.MailMergeDataType enumeration. Specifies the type of an external mail merge data source...." ] data_src_filename = ARTIFACTS_DIR + "MailMerge.mail_merge_settings...the contents. doc . save ( ARTIFACTS_DIR + "MailMerge.mail_merge_settings...
HtmlSaveOptions.epub_navigation_map_level property. Specifies the maximum level of headings populated to the navigation map when exporting to IDPF EPUB or AZW3 formats... save ( ARTIFACTS_DIR + "HtmlSaveOptions.CreateAZW3Toc...four entries. doc . save ( ARTIFACTS_DIR + "HtmlSaveOptions.epub_headings...
RevisionOptions.show_in_balloons property. Allows to specify whether the revisions are rendered in the balloons... save ( ARTIFACTS_DIR + "Revision.show_revision_balloons...pdf or .jpg. doc . save ( ARTIFACTS_DIR + "Revision.revision_options...
ParagraphFormat.space_after property. Gets or sets the amount of spacing (in points) after the paragraph.... save ( ARTIFACTS_DIR + "\" style." ) doc . save ( ARTIFACTS_DIR + "
Зробіть свій документ прочитано, щоб вміст міг бути скопійовано або читати, але не змінено з використанням Pythonй... artifacts_dir + "DocumentProtection...doc . save ( docs_base . artifacts_dir + "DocumentProtection...
This article explains how barcode recognition can be optimized in terms of accuracy and speed in case of various distortions...Size to Eliminate Visual Artifacts In some cases, distortions...reading by eliminating visual artifacts. Reading Inverted Barcode...
aspose.words.notes.FootnoteOptions class. Represents the footnote numbering options for a document or section... save ( ARTIFACTS_DIR + "Document.footnote_columns...footnote_position doc . save ( ARTIFACTS_DIR + "InlineStory.position_footnote...