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  1. artifact.artifacttype - Aspose.PDF for Java - A...

    Detailed explanation & examples for every class & method in Aspose.PDF for Java library. Easily create, edit, convert or render PDF documents using Java platform....ImportResourceLoader Artifact Artifact.ArtifactSubtype Artifact.ArtifactType...Deprecated com.aspose.pdf Class Artifact.ArtifactType java.lang.Object...
  2. Installing Aspose.Total For Java With Graddle/K...

    Hello, I would like to test the product Aspose.Total in a server created in Kotlin using Graddle as dependence manager. I added so the aspose repository: maven { url = uri(“”) isAll…... = true metadataSources { artifact() } } And the Aspose.Total...Declare repository providing the artifact, see the documentation at...
  3. Aspose.PDF for C++ 21.5 Release Notes|Aspose.PD...

    This article decsribes changes and updates in version 21.5 of Aspose.PDF for C++ library...Aspose::Pdf::Artifact::Lines Property Aspose::Pdf::Artifact::TextState...
  4. How to Add a Watermark to PDF Document and Cent...

    Hi can i add water mark pdf, and convert file pptx ppt to pdf and add water this ? do you have libery ?...WatermarkArtifact artifact = new WatermarkArtifact(); artifact.SetTextAndState(...FontRepository.FindFont("Arial") }); artifact.ArtifactVerticalAlig = VerticalAlignment...
  5. How to add watermark in XML file using Aspose P...

    Hi We have a requirement to add watermark in XML file using Aspose PDF api for Java. When tried using Aspose PDF it gives error "Exception in thread “main” class com.aspose.pdf.exceptions.InvalidPdfFileFormatException:…...0F); // Create watermark artifact and set its properties WatermarkArtifact...WatermarkArtifact artifact = new WatermarkArtifact(); artifact.setText(formattedText);...
  6. Remove Background from PDF using Python

    Remove background from PDF using Python. It assists in setting IDE and provides list of steps and a runnable sample code to clear PDF background using Python....different subtypes of the artifact to remove them from the PDF...file Parse through all the artifacts in it and check for subtype...
  7. Print date and time in pdf in footer programmat...

    Is it possible to print date and time in pdf in footer programmatically using Aspose PDF for Java API....watermark artifact and set its properties TextStamp artifact = new...TextStamp(formattedText); artifact.setHorizontalAlignme(HorizontalAlignment...
  8. HeaderArtifact | Aspose.PDF for .NET API Reference

    Creates Header Artifact instance....constructor Creates Header Artifact instance. public HeaderArtifact...
  9. index.xml

    2.0 Documentation – العمل باستخدام العلامة المائية في PDF عبر C++ content in العمل باستخدام العلامة المائية في PDF......بإنشاء مثيل للعلامة المائية Artifact", "url" : "https:\/\/products...خصائص كائن العلامة المائية Artifact", "url" : "https:\/\/products...
  10. FooterArtifact | Aspose.PDF for .NET API Reference

    Creates Footer Artifact instance....constructor Creates Footer Artifact instance. public FooterArtifact...