WorkbookSettings property. The distance from the left edge of the client Area to the left edge of the window. In unit of centimeter...the left edge of the client area to the left edge of the window...
ContactLinkSearchKey KnownPropertyList.ContactLinkSearchKey field Contains the list of SearchKeys for a Contact objec...... Area: Contact Properties Canonical...
BirthdayEventEntryId KnownPropertyList.BirthdayEventEntryId field Specifies the EntryID of an optional Appointment ob...... Area: Contact Properties Canonical...
Specifies the size of the hole in a doughnut chart (can be between 0 and 90 percents of the size of the plot Area.). Read uint8_t....percents of the size of the plot area.). Read uint8_t . uint8_t Aspose...
Email2OriginalDisplayName KnownPropertyList.Email2OriginalDisplayName field Specifies the SMTP email address that cor...... Area: Contact Properties Canonical...
ReadReceiptName KnownPropertyList.ReadReceiptName field Contains the display name for the end user to whom a read rec...... Area: Transport Envelope Canonical...
LinkedTaskItems KnownPropertyList.LinkedTaskItems field Indicates whether the user did not include any text in the bo...... Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidLinkedTaskItem...
Country KnownPropertyList.Country field Contains the name of the mail user’s country/region. Area: Contact Properties...... Area: Contact Properties Canonical...
DamOriginalEntryId KnownPropertyList.DamOriginalEntryId field Contains the EntryID of the delivered message that the ...... Area: Server-side Rules Properties...
OriginalAuthorName KnownPropertyList.OriginalAuthorName field Contains the display name of the sender of the original...... Area: Email Canonical name: PidTagOriginalAuthor...