XCallId KnownPropertyList.XCallId field Contains a unique identifier associated with the phone call. Area: Unified Me...... Area: Unified Messaging Canonical...
TaskMode KnownPropertyList.TaskMode field Specifies the assignment status of the embedded Task object. Area: Tasks Ca...... Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskMode...
AttachmentMacContentType KnownPropertyList.AttachmentMacContentType field Contains the Content-Type of the Mac attach...... Area: Message Attachment Properties...
ResourceAttendees KnownPropertyList.ResourceAttendees field Identifies resource attendees for the appointment or meet...... Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidResourceAttend...
DavIsStructuredDocument KnownPropertyList.DavIsStructuredDocument field Indicates whether a Calendar object is a stru...... Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameDavIsStructur...
ScheduleInfoDelegateNames KnownPropertyList.ScheduleInfoDelegateNames field Specifies the names of the delegates. Are...... Area: Free/Busy Properties Canonical...
IpmDraftsEntryId KnownPropertyList.IpmDraftsEntryId field Contains the EntryID of the Drafts folder. Area: Folder Pro...... Area: Folder Properties Canonical...
XSharingProviderName KnownPropertyList.XSharingProviderName field Contains the same value as the PidLidSharingProvide...... Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidNameXSharingProvi...
XSharingProviderUrl KnownPropertyList.XSharingProviderUrl field Contains the same value as the PidLidSharingProviderU...... Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidNameXSharingProvi...
CalendarTimeZone KnownPropertyList.CalendarTimeZone field Specifies the time zone of an appointment or meeting. Area:...... Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarTimeZ...