AttributeReadOnly KnownPropertyList.AttributeReadOnly field Indicates whether an item can be modified or deleted. Are...... Area: Access Control Properties Canonical...
formatting property formatting property Represents the formatting of the Area. Definition: @property def formatting (......Represents the formatting of the area. Definition: @property def formatting...
Assistant KnownPropertyList.Assistant field Contains the name of the mail user’s administrative assistant. Area: Addr...... Area: Address Properties Canonical...
HomeFaxNumber KnownPropertyList.HomeFaxNumber field Contains the telephone number of the mail user’s home fax machine...... Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name:...
MessageClass KnownPropertyList.MessageClass field Denotes the specific type of the Message object. Area: Common Prope...... Area: Common Property set Canonical...
OtherAddressPostalCode KnownPropertyList.OtherAddressPostalCode field Contains the postal code for the mail user’s ot...... Area: Address Properties Canonical...
AutoForwardComment KnownPropertyList.AutoForwardComment field Contains text included in an automatically-generated me...... Area: General Report Properties Canonical...
AddressBookFolderPathname KnownPropertyList.AddressBookFolderPathname field This property is deprecated and is to be ...... Area: Address Book Canonical name:...
AddressBookPhoneticCompanyName KnownPropertyList.AddressBookPhoneticCompanyName field Contains the phonetic represent...... Area: Address Book Canonical name:...