Selectable KnownPropertyList.Selectable field This property is not set and, if set, is ignored. Area: AB Container Ca...... Area: AB Container Canonical name:...
WlinkEntryId KnownPropertyList.WlinkEntryId field Specifies the EntryID of the folder pointed to by the shortcut. Are...... Area: Configuration Canonical name:...
Email3DisplayName KnownPropertyList.Email3DisplayName field Specifies the user-readable display name for the email ad...... Area: Contact Properties Canonical...
RuleActionNumber KnownPropertyList.RuleActionNumber field Contains the index of a rule action that failed. Area: Exch...... Area: ExchangeMessageReadO Canonical...
TagHtml KnownPropertyList.TagHtml field Contains message body text in HTML format. Area: General Message Properties C...... Area: General Message Properties...
MessageRecipients KnownPropertyList.MessageRecipients field Identifies all of the recipients of the current message. ...... Area: Address Properties Canonical...
CalendarDuration KnownPropertyList.CalendarDuration field Identifies the duration, in seconds, of an appointment or m...... Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarDurat...
CalendarMethod KnownPropertyList.CalendarMethod field Specifies the iCalendar method that is associated with an Appoi...... Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarMetho...
getHeight getHeight() method Returns or sets the height of a plot Area bounding box as a fraction of the height of th......or sets the height of a plot area bounding box as a fraction of...
getWidth getWidth() method Returns or sets the width of a plot Area bounding box as a fraction of the width of the ch......or sets the width of a plot area bounding box as a fraction of...