AutomaticFill class AutomaticFill class represents automatic fill. Inheritance: AutomaticFill → Fill The AutomaticFil......class AutomaticFill class Fill Area class BaseShapeGuide class English...
ConversationActionMoveFolderEid KnownPropertyList.ConversationActionMoveFolderEid field Contains the EntryID for the ...... Area: Conversation Actions Canonical...
Email3EmailAddress KnownPropertyList.Email3EmailAddress field Specifies the email address of the contact. Area: Conta...... Area: Contact Properties Canonical...
AppointmentEndWhole KnownPropertyList.AppointmentEndWhole field Specifies the end date and time for the event. Area: ...... Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentEnd...
LogDuration KnownPropertyList.LogDuration field Contains the duration, in minutes, of the activity. Area: Journal Can...... Area: Journal Canonical name: PidLidLogDuration...
NonSendBccTrackStatus KnownPropertyList.NonSendBccTrackStatus field Contains the value from the response table. Area:...... Area: General Message Properties...
TimeZoneStruct KnownPropertyList.TimeZoneStruct field Specifies time zone information for a recurring meeting. Area: ...... Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidTimeZoneStruct...
InstantMessagingAddress KnownPropertyList.InstantMessagingAddress field Specifies the instant messaging address of th...... Area: Contact Properties Canonical...
Email2AddressType KnownPropertyList.Email2AddressType field Specifies the address type of the electronic address. Are...... Area: Contact Properties Canonical...