SharingTimeToLive KnownPropertyList.SharingTimeToLive field Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter ...... Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingTimeToL...
SharingPermissions KnownPropertyList.SharingPermissions field Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matte...... Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingPermiss...
SharingAnonymity KnownPropertyList.SharingAnonymity field Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter wh...... Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingAnonymi...
SharingDetail KnownPropertyList.SharingDetail field Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what val...... Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingDetail...
SharingInstanceGuid KnownPropertyList.SharingInstanceGuid field Contains a value that is ignored by the server no mat...... Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingInstanc...
SharingIndexEntryId KnownPropertyList.SharingIndexEntryId field Contains a value that is ignored by the server no mat...... Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingIndexEn...
SharingLocalComment KnownPropertyList.SharingLocalComment field Contains a value that is ignored by the server no mat...... Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingLocalCo...
SharingReciprocation KnownPropertyList.SharingReciprocation field Contains a value that is ignored by the server no m...... Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingRecipro...
SharingRemoteVersion KnownPropertyList.SharingRemoteVersion field Contains a value that is ignored by the server no m...... Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingRemoteV...
SharingWorkingHoursDays KnownPropertyList.SharingWorkingHoursDays field Contains a value that is ignored by the serve...... Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingWorking...