getColumnSpacing getColumnSpacing() function Returns or sets the space between text columns in the text Area (in poin......between text columns in the text area (in points). This should only...
getColumnSpacing getColumnSpacing() method Returns or sets the space between text columns in the text Area (in points......between text columns in the text area (in points). This should only...
ReadReceiptSmtpAddress KnownPropertyList.ReadReceiptSmtpAddress field Contains the SMTP email address of the user to ...... Area: Mail Canonical name: PidTagReadReceiptSmt...
ConversationActionMoveStoreEid KnownPropertyList.ConversationActionMoveStoreEid field Contains the EntryID for a move...... Area: Conversation Actions Canonical...
WorkAddressPostOfficeBox KnownPropertyList.WorkAddressPostOfficeBox field Specifies the post office box portion of th...... Area: Contact Properties Canonical...
SenderTelephoneNumber KnownPropertyList.SenderTelephoneNumber field Contains the telephone number of the caller assoc...... Area: Unified Messaging Canonical...
CalendarDescriptionUrl KnownPropertyList.CalendarDescriptionUrl field Specifies the URL of a resource that contains a...... Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarDescr...
PromptSendUpdate KnownPropertyList.PromptSendUpdate field Indicates that the Meeting Response object was out-of-date ...... Area: Meeting Response Canonical...
PostRssChannelLink KnownPropertyList.PostRssChannelLink field Contains the URL of the RSS or Atom feed from which the...... Area: RSS Canonical name: PidLidPostRssChannel...