Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillFormat class. Encapsulates the object that represents fill formatting for a shape...{ get; set; } Represents an area’s display pattern. of transparency of the area as a value from 0.0 (opaque)...
PivotArea constructor init Presents the selected Area of the PivotTable. def __init__ ( self , table ): ... Parameter......constructor init Presents the selected area of the PivotTable. def __init__...
CollaborateDoc KnownPropertyList.CollaborateDoc field Specifies the document to be launched when the user joins the m...... Area: Conferencing Canonical name:...
PostRssItemLink KnownPropertyList.PostRssItemLink field Contains the URL of the link from an RSS or Atom item. Area: ...... Area: RSS Canonical name: PidLidPostRssItemLin...
Email3OriginalEntryId KnownPropertyList.Email3OriginalEntryId field Specifies the EntryID of the object that correspo...... Area: Contact Properties Canonical...
YomiCompanyName KnownPropertyList.YomiCompanyName field Specifies the phonetic pronunciation of the company name of t...... Area: Contact Properties Canonical...
Fax1OriginalEntryId KnownPropertyList.Fax1OriginalEntryId field Specifies a one-off EntryID that corresponds to this ...... Area: Contact Properties Canonical...
LogDocumentRouted KnownPropertyList.LogDocumentRouted field Indicates whether the document was sent to a routing reci...... Area: Journal Canonical name: PidLidLogDocumentRou...
AttachmentMacInfo KnownPropertyList.AttachmentMacInfo field Contains the headers and resource fork data associated wi...... Area: Message Attachment Properties...