Gets type of Annotation....AnnotationType property Gets type of annotation. public override AnnotationType...SoundAnnotation namespace Aspose.Pdf.Annotations assembly Aspose.PDF SoundAnnotation...
Gets type of Annotation....AnnotationType property Gets type of annotation. public override AnnotationType...PolygonAnnotation namespace Aspose.Pdf.Annotations assembly Aspose.PDF PolygonAnnotation...
Gets type of Annotation....AnnotationType property Gets type of annotation. public override AnnotationType...RichMediaAnnotation namespace Aspose.Pdf.Annotations assembly Aspose.PDF ActivateOn...
Gets type of Annotation....AnnotationType property Gets type of annotation. public override AnnotationType...InkAnnotation namespace Aspose.Pdf.Annotations assembly Aspose.PDF InkAnnotation...
Gets type of Annotation....AnnotationType property Gets type of annotation. public override AnnotationType...LineAnnotation namespace Aspose.Pdf.Annotations assembly Aspose.PDF LineAnnotation...
Constructor for using in Generator....document Document Document where annotation will be placed. See Also...CommonFigureAnnotati namespace Aspose.Pdf.Annotations assembly Aspose.PDF Frame...
Gets a sound object defining the sound to be played when the Annotation is activated....sound to be played when the annotation is activated. public SoundData...SoundAnnotation namespace Aspose.Pdf.Annotations assembly Aspose.PDF Icon...
Accepts visitor for this Annotation....Accepts visitor for this annotation. public override void Accept...RichMediaAnnotation namespace Aspose.Pdf.Annotations assembly Aspose.PDF Type...
Accepts visitor object to process the Annotation....visitor object to process the annotation. public override void Accept...PopupAnnotation namespace Aspose.Pdf.Annotations assembly Aspose.PDF Parent...
Accepts visitor object to process the Annotation....visitor object to process the annotation. public override void Accept...CaretAnnotation namespace Aspose.Pdf.Annotations assembly Aspose.PDF Symbol...