LayoutCollector.get_end_page_index method. Gets 1-based index of the page where node ends... doc = aw . Document () layout_collector = aw . layout ....5 pages of content. builder = aw . DocumentBuilder ( doc = doc...
PageSetup.page_starting_number property. Gets or sets the starting page number of the section.... doc = aw . Document () builder = aw . DocumentBuilder..." ) builder . insert_break ( aw . BreakType . PAGE_BREAK ) builder...
SmartTag.element property. Specifies the name of the smart tag within the document.... def create (): doc = aw . Document () # A smart tag appears...dotted underline. smart_tag = aw . markup . SmartTag ( doc ) #...
Restrinja a edição de um documento definindo um tipo de restrição usando Python. Você também pode remover a proteção e tornar regiões editáveis sem restrições....words as aw doc = aw . Document () # Apply document...document protection. doc . protect ( aw . ProtectionType . NO_PROTECTION...
Ogranicz edycję dokumentu, ustawiając typ ograniczenia za pomocą Python. Możesz także usunąć ochronę i utworzyć nieograniczone edytowalne regiony....words as aw doc = aw . Document () # Apply document...document protection. doc . protect ( aw . ProtectionType . NO_PROTECTION...
FindReplaceOptions.apply_paragraph_format property. Paragraph formatting applied to new content.... doc = aw . Document () builder = aw . DocumentBuilder...paragraphs self . assertEqual ( aw . ParagraphAlignment . LEFT ...
Συμπίεση PDF σε Python χωρίς απώλεια ποιότητας. Βελτιστοποιήστε το περιεχόμενο PDF, μειώστε εύκολα το μέγεθος του αρχείου....words as aw renderer = aw.pdf2word.fixedformats...PdfFixedRenderer() pdf_read_options = aw.pdf2word.fixedformats.PdfFixedOptions()...
Skompresuj PDF w Python bez utraty jakości. Zoptymalizuj PDF zawartość, łatwo zmniejsz rozmiar pliku....words as aw renderer = aw.pdf2word.fixedformats...PdfFixedRenderer() pdf_read_options = aw.pdf2word.fixedformats.PdfFixedOptions()...
Saspiest PDF Python, nezaudējot kvalitāti. Optimizējiet PDF saturu, viegli samaziniet faila lielumu....words as aw renderer = aw.pdf2word.fixedformats...PdfFixedRenderer() pdf_read_options = aw.pdf2word.fixedformats.PdfFixedOptions()...
Стисніть PDF у Python без втрати якості. Оптимізуйте вміст PDF, легко зменшуйте розмір файлу....words as aw renderer = aw.pdf2word.fixedformats...PdfFixedRenderer() pdf_read_options = aw.pdf2word.fixedformats.PdfFixedOptions()...